Be That Blessing: Forget It and Move On!


I read a story in a book, P.S. I Love You: When Mom Wrote She Always Saved the Best for Last, the one story talked about using the slogan, FIDO when driving in your car, FIDO stands for Forget It and Drive On.  It is a good thing to try to remember and drive by. Today people drive like crazy. They do not use signals, do not stop at stop signs or right on red. They cut you off, speed, on their phones, don't go when the light changes green, the focus and driving today of most is very poor. Do you best to stay away, slow down, stay back, go around, and try to forget it and drive on. I like to always offer a blessing to anyone who drives like I mentioned, I just make a sign of the cross to bless them and drive on, trying very hard not to swear, make a comment, or honk, it is hard, but better to do. Even as a person in life, when people mistreat you, ignore you, are not responsive, or are mean or have a bad attitude, try to forget it and move on.  Be like Jesus! You know how people can be, just don't let them steal your joy or break your connection with God and Spirit! I thought this was nice to share! Be that blessing! 

