Bless Yourself Daily, Look For God's Miracles in Your Life, Make Your Normal that of Excellence and Betterment!


Today in an age of cancel culture and dismissiveness, in a world of chaos and dysfunction, with so much greed, corruption, fraud, mediocrity, and poor leadership all around us, we need to protect ourselves from falling into that so called new normalcy of mediocrity. It seems like so many today do not follow and rules or laws, they lack the respect for all of us as a whole. We need to not let it take hold in our lives. We need to be people of excellence and betterment, people of quality, striving to have God first in our lives and always doing your best and making the best out of your life, living with excellence. Sometimes with the way things are in life today, you need to create your own little bubble where you decide who and what you allow inside your bubble. Keep out negativity, bad attitudes, mediocrity, and anything that is not in line with your philosophy of excellence and betterment. No one needs to be a part of the new normal which is just a new term for more mediocrity, you do not have to settle for less and that term or status quo. Create your "own normal" which is excellence and betterment. Never settle for less than God's best for you in your life. Even if it means not hanging around with certain people, or going to certain stores, restaurants, or places. If you know going to a certain store, watching a certain TV show or news, or driving a certain road is going to create frustration, don't go or find a better route that brings peace of mind and never settle for less than God's best for you and your life. Bless yourself daily, be in control, put God first, and see all His miracles in your life come to fruition. I always pray each day that God gives me the patience, tolerance, and peace to deal with all the mediocrity that life brings me today, prayer helps so much, but we also need to remember not to fall for that way of life. You can make your "normal" be one of excellence and betterment by standing up for those principles!
