Soon and Very Soon: Blessed as Trouble is Temporary in Our Lives--What a Miracle from God! He Delivers, Keep Your Faith on Him!


Trouble is temporary in our lives! We need to remember this and not let all these troubles that come into our lives get us down or get us off track from staying focused on God! Whether it is our work, health, life, community, or world worry or problems, all can be overcome with God and keeping our focus and refuge in Him! Have a "soon mentality," have expectancy that God will soon change things around and get you out of all the troubles, worries, and problems in your life and bring you to better pastures. God is so great, He can easily and sooner than later change all things to come around in your favor to be free of the trouble, worry, someone mean or hateful, all will improve, soon! Have faith that the present troubles in your life will change for the good very soon! We just need to be people of faith! Soon and very soon, the trouble will be over! We need to change our thinking, have a soon mentality that our troubles are only temporary, don't get discouraged or lose your passion, our God will never give us more than we can handle. Don't give up on your dreams or lose faith, know God will get you through everything, sooner often than you believe. God is still on the throne! Shift your attitude to one of faith! Trust in the Lord! it is oaky to feel down and out, discouraged, but know that our God is a great God and He will get us through these troubles sooner than later! I love the message from Joel Osteen each week on his church service. His brother spoke this week honoring many senior citizens and church contributors, it was very nice, they have all put their faith in God and their church for many years. Despite how permanently a trouble may seem, know that God will get you through anything, He delivers, He will get you through any trouble, He is our blessing and miracle for this life, put your trust in Him, don't try to do it alone. God will get us through everything this world brings your way. Follow Him, trust Him, and He will lead your through this "Earth School" and get you ready for eternity with Him in Heaven! 
