“Father, Forgive Them, For They Don’t Know What They Are Doing." Said Jesus


“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing."
-Jesus Christ (From the Bible in Luke 23:34)

It is so powerful to think about, but we need to forgive. We have a lot of people today doing a lot of things, evil, hate, greed, corruption, fraud, mediocrity, ignoring, judging, blaming, having a bad attitude or being mean spirited. We need to forgive them all, even if they mistreat you, ignore you, hate you, or talk bad about you or abandon you! Like Jesus said when they put Him on the cross and had Him killed, "For they don't know what they are doing." We need to pray to God and ask God to forgive them for their hate, they know not what they do when they do what they do. Always find refuge in God, know that our world today is run by humans and a little chaotic and crazy. A lot of cancel culture, dismissiveness, hate, and apathy. God knows all of this, He knows how you have been offended or hurt. He wants us to forgive the people who hurt you, hate you, curse you, and even try to crucify you. Love them and just forgive them and say,  "Father forgive them for they know not what they do!" We can only be a blessing and miracle to the hate, anger, ignorance, dismissiveness, and evil of others, when we forgive, and just know that they just have no idea what they are doing as their hearts are not pure and full of hate and rage. Forgive, love, and have mercy on them just the same. That is what Jesus Christ would want you to do! Many blessings! Keep the faith!

Forgive ignorance! 
