Love More, Worry Less!


I saw this phrase, "Love More, Worry Less" on a t-shirt at the gym today and thought how true! It is something good to remember, like the phrase, "Don't sweat the small stuff and it is all small stuff." Sometimes we let worry take hold and let it control and upset us so. Even when things haven't even happened yet, we worry what the outcome might be. We worry about what people think about us, we worry about people talking bad about us or not liking us. We worry about doing the right thing as opposed to caving to the pressure of peers or people not of honor or good will. Worry is useless though. It is hard to not worry, but it really does nothing. It is better to turn it all over to God, let His will be done and remember that God knows what is best. No sense worrying about anything, especially if you have no control over it. Say an Our Father or Hail Mary, try not to worry, turn it over to God and love your life and all God has given you! 

