Mercy can be a Blessing and Miracle to Others!

In times where is seems like hate is so easy. Being dismissive and/or cancelling people common. To be angry, vengeful, mean-spirited, and even just ignoring others. Hate has become so commonplace it seems. 

How we respond to this and live our lives today needs to be better than all the hate and anger. We need to react with love, forgiveness, and more so mercy. We need more mercy in this world toward each other. We are living in tough times, so much uncertainty especially since the pandemic and all the changes, blame, and insecure feelings so many have today.  Where is our understanding of others, our compassion, our mercy that Jesus wants us to have for our fellow humans? Where is our love? Can we forgive? Can we show more mercy toward others instead of hate and dismissiveness? 

Can we all try to be more merciful in a world that is sometimes not so easy to live in for any of us instead of hating so quickly?  Mercy matters! 
