Refuge in God, Resist Injustice or Making Yourself Crazy in a World Run By Man! Focus Only On God!


My spouse reminded me and said in Spanish earlier today, since Colombian, that we need to put our refuge in God and trust only in Him. Today in our world of chaos and lawlessness, with so much hate, anger, division, and opinions on politics and life, it is best to just find refuge in God and not allow this crazy world to get you down or depressed. Sometimes you have to resist all the injustice that exists,  the mediocrity, the greed, the corruption, the fraud, the violence and hate, the bigotry, and abuse, the abortions, and death penalty, all the killing and crime, we need to remind ourselves of the words of Martin Luther King Jr. and remember that "non-violence" is the only way, be a person of character, of honor, of good will. If you need to escape into your own bubble to resist the spewing of hate and anger, the news, the one-sided views on issues, the lack of God and Jesus, any violence, crime, damage, destruction, lawlessness, etc., is unacceptable. Peace is the only way, sometimes resisting injustice is part of that peace so to not create more hate, anger, or violence. Sometimes it is best to stay silent and pray find your refuge in God and not allow all the crazy things of this world to get you disconnected from Spirit/God, keeping our souls connected to Spirit is critical in staying at peace and a world where it is run by man and egos run high, powers that be in control create injustice and just too many problems. Peace is critical, now we know why they created monasteries and convents for people to just pray, to be at peace, and to be away from our world and all the crazy happens by man. When you find your refuge in God, you will find many blessings and miracles that He can provide that bring great peace to your life!
