Revelation Proves to Be a Blessing and Miracle from God When we Put Our Trust in Him!
The book of Revelation in the Bible shows a lot of the future. The evil that is coming and has happened. All the problems and future and devastation in our world like earthquakes, floods, meteors, man's own destruction, it is all there. Our jobs as people of God are to be people of good will, people of honor, people who are upright and keep our faith and trust in God and not waiver at all. We need to not look back or let all the problems bother us, keep our faith in God, be committed to no matter what, God and His ultimate plan for us in His new World, New Heaven, New Israel, He will keep us safe and bring us to a better world, we just need to trust Him, not people and all their hate, revenge, rage, and destruction. Be on the side of God, trust in Him, have great faith in the Word and God, he is the truth. Read Revelation, research, repent, believe, trust and have faith in God, no matter what happens in this world, God will reward and look out for the children of His that trust and have faith in Him! Hallelujah! Amen!
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The Truth-God is Truth and Love