The Truth!

The Truth! Why is it so hard to tell or hear or practice the truth by so may today? God is the truth! There seems to be so much hypocrisy today. People say one thing, then do or say another, where is the truth today? How can you say you are Catholic and be for abortion, it makes no sense! The truth is questioned all over today, so many love to be pretentious with luxury cars and putting on airs, acting like they are all that, but then you find out they have no college education and think that just because they drive a Mercedes that this makes them important or someone better. Fancy cars, clothes, and appearances just don't cut it or show the whole truth! Even a lot of people who say they are millionaires or billionaires often have more debt than they have assets. But it is not all about money, anyway, it is about character. We need to be the truth! Live the truth! Be who God made us to be! Be truthful in all we do and live! Jesus is the truth, the way, and the light! I tend to take the side of God and Jesus, pretentiousness, hypocrisy, being phony is not the truth! Not sharing all sides on a news channel or being one sided is not the truth. Just hating someone for the sake of hate is not the truth. Today is seems like we always have to question the truth of what so many others say or do. The truth is in God and is the only way to live. The truth is a blessing and miracle from God!  
