We Need to Water Our Spirit Every Single Day! Every Single Moment! Got God?


 "Can the papyrus plant grow tall where there is no marsh?
Can reeds flourish without water?
While they are still beginning to flower
and not ripe for cutting,
they can wither away
faster than any grass.
Such is the destiny of all who forget God;
the hope of the godless  perishes..."

-Job 8:11-13

I love this Bible verse above! It is a great reminder that we need to always have God in our hearts! We need to always be connected to Spirit, His Spirit to our Souls! When we ae not grounded in having God in us each day, each moment, then we will perish. We need to find refuge in God always! Live with God in our hearts. Pray, focus on Him, listen to songs of praise to God always, know that every breathe we take is from God! Every beautiful experience, the ocean, the wildlife, the wind, the sun, the moon, our love for our spouses and children and family, it all comes from God! 

