God's Miracles Abound!

“But watch out! Be very careful never to forget what you have seen God doing for you. May his miracles have a deep and permanent effect upon your lives! Tell your children and your grandchildren about the glorious miracles he did."

-Deuteronomy 4:9

I loved this Bible passage today! I read it in the daily prayer book I read from Dodie Osteen. This verse it home! We all need to be reminded about this, everyday, we are exposed to miracles in our lives! So much is a miracle that we often take for granted. I am thankful for the many on my life, for my life and not to have died from a fall when very young. For my opportunities in life like college, teaching and living abroad. I am grateful for the day I met my spouse jogging down the street, falling in love, and now being married and together in one country for almost 7 years. We have been given 22+ years of many blessings although at times we never thought they were. Miracles are all around us! We need to realize that God has so many miracles He wants to give us each day like the Bible verse above reminds us of. Reading the Bible can be a real blessing, it is packed with faith-filled ideas that can sustain us and get us through anything in life here on Earth. Believe in miracles! They are abound! Don't be afraid to shout it out to the universe of all of God's miracles in your life!
