A Week of Blessings and Meditation!


It has been a peaceful and blessed week, quiet, in peace, and I have been able to meditate a lot and think of so much about life, God, people, and being of good will. I have seen the cardinal again by my car at the beach, I always think of mom, it is nice to see the bird, seems he wants to get into my car or look in the mirror. We were visited by a nice turtle yesterday, walked right up to our screened lanai. So sweet. Life is a wonderful thing, God has all of us here for a reason! I have concluded that we all need to be people of good will. We need to be positive, loving, kind, inspiring, and non-judging.  Surround yourself with all of these things. Do not put yourself in the presence of hate, mean-spiritedness, negative, judging, and uninspiring people. It will not bring you a fulfilling life. Be love, be inspiring, be non-judging, be kindness, be positive in all! Be that blessing, really a blessing to all, when you can be a person of good will with these characteristics. In a world, country, and environment where so many have sunk to a new low of hate and negativity, we all need to resist that and be loving, judging, inspiring, positive, kind, ultimately a blessing to all in this world! 
