Respecting All Life in a Humane Society, The True Blessing and Miracle God Gives Us: An Unborn Babies Life Depends on All of Us!

Yesterday at church they had several prayer cards on the table when we entered. I took four different ones, all about abortion, this one was the most touching! My father always had a passion for defending all life and not liking abortion. I do not like it either. I do not like our politicians today act like they care so much about saving lives, especially with the Coronavirus now, yet overlook and allow so many abortions here in the USA. If we truly are a humane society, we would defend all life from conception to natural death. Abortion is murder plain and simple. It does not have to happen. Those children can go to good homes, millions dead now over the many years of allowing abortion, millions, it is sinful and heart breaking. This prayer above was so touching, the potential voice of a helpless unborn voiceless child who has no say. We as human beings need to defend all life, stop all abortions, and respect all life if we say we value all lives and life, why don't we defend the unborn in the womb who are living human beings inside of another person? Most women who have had abortions, research says regret and carry this horrible baggage with them for the rest of their lives haunting them, hurting them, impacting their future and entire life. It doesn't have to happen.  Please pray to end abortions. Pray for a respect for all life, even of the unborn. All life is a miracle from God! 
