God is Great! God is in Control! Governments are Not God!


I am reminded daily that God is great! He really is in control of all! Governments are not God! They like to think they are. They like to think they can control people and mandate anything and humans have to follow what the government says, like in the times of the Roman Empire control or today even in the USA and in many countries, like Cuba, Venezuela, etc. I love the beach! I try to enjoy all God has given us each day and put all my trust in Him! Not in man and not in any government.  Today it was absolutely lovely, the water and ocean and all was just perfect today! We really are blessed here in Florida and especially here close to the sea where I live. We are living in crazy times, very uncertain, very dictatorial, very my way or the highway, etc. The media and government work very hard today to instill fear in our society. They have most people anxious and depressed, torn, and scared. It is horrible what they have done and how divisive they have become. We all need to stand and remember, God is in control! Turn your trust and faith in Him, I like to look at the image of the Devine Mercy Jesus that reminds of that we need to always say, "Jesus I trust in you." When we remove ourselves from the fear, the hate, the judging, the division, the constant in your face mandates and scare tactics of today, just watch less news or less from certain organizations that use scare tactics. Put your trust in God, know He is your deliver and savior. He will get you through these crazy times and give you peace. Pray more, pray for more prayer, more peace, more unity. God to the beach, prayer, know and feel God and His presence and remind yourself that God is in control, not government. The sea can remind you God is in control! 

Look at all of God's beauty! Know God! Feel His presence! God really is in control!
