A Blessed Week and Blessed Class and Job!


I am counting my blessings as I have had a great week and past four weeks with my classes this year. I have some really great students and love my classes and what I teach. It is a blessing to work with future teachers, helping and preparing them to teach mathematics to children! I was teaching and covering measurement today. We connect geometry to measurement and then measure all of what is geometric. We reviewed the metric system and some formulas for perimeter, area, volume, etc. I always like to close my classes with a blessing and quote. I liked this one about how important measurement is in so many areas of our lives. I was telling my students that I really liked all these quotes here, I personally think that the way one measures success is by what they can do for others. Serving others is one of the best things we can do. Being a teacher we are able to serve and do this daily. I really love my job and students and feel so blessed to have such loving and caring people who want to be teachers, they are wonderful to work with. As a teacher you get to be a miracle and blessing to so many each day. I am so fortunate to be blessed to do what I do and have such wonderful students! God has blessed me immensely!


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