Find Refuge in God!


All we can do is find refuge in God! When we see our world that is dysfunctional, divided, hateful, with crime, corruption, fraud, and mediocrity.  When we see people hurting others, when demons have taken over others, when many do not have God in their lives and hearts. When we see war, hate, division, dismissiveness, exclusion, and so much turmoil today, all we can do is find refuge in God and turn to Him with all our troubles. God is our savior, our refuge, our only hope to be at peace and live well here on Earth. We wonder why there are so many problems in the world today, well, like many say, it is because so many are so far from God and lack having Jesus Christ in their hearts. When we all live like Jesus did when He walked this Earth, we would have a much better world, almost heaven here on Earth. Unfortunately, we need more prayer, we need to bring all to God, pray, have hope and faith and believe in miracles and blessings that God will bless this world and each of us. If you are down and out, please find refuge in God, He is the light of the world and can sustain you while you journey here on Earth! 
