The Will of God: The Most Import Thing We All Can Respect and Acknowledge from God in Life! Let His Will be Done!


The will of God! That is what many believe is the most important thing we can ask of God! While we pray and may ask for certain petitions, the will of God is the most important blessing and miracle we can expect from our Creator and God! His will is what is most important for us. He has each of us here for a reason. Here on this Earth school! Turn it all over to Him, let His will be done in your life. When you pray or ask for petitions or prayers or help, always say: "if it is Your will be done in my life." We need to learn and realize that God knows best. He knows the right time for our condo to sell, for us to be healed of illness and pain, for us to get a new job, healed, to get a new car or house, to have a baby, to be at peace, to be closer to Him. God knows us, we are His children and He has us here for a reason. So when you pray, see all the blessings and miracles come to fruition when you turn it all over to Him and let His will be done!  The beach has been absolutely spectacular the past few days. I am thanking God, being grateful, and know that all the blessings and good things come from God above and I am so very grateful. I am seeing His miracles everyday in my life, I will let His will be done in my life and know He has my best interest in His hands, I am in the palm of God's hands today and always! I am letting His will be done in my life! 
