A Memorial to the Unborn Children: Abortion Stats and Facts are an Ugly Reality for a So Called Civilized Society


This is a memorial to all the unborn children of the world outside of St. Helen's Catholic Church in Vero Beach. The facts and statistics about abortion are very ugly! So sad for our society as a whole that we say we are civilized, modern, even a first-class world country, yet allow so many abortions each year to take place, allowing for the murder, death, of helpless, innocent, voiceless human babies. Millions of babies have been aborted since it was made legal back in the 1970's. It is a sick reality that we as human beings think this is okay to do to the helpless, voiceless, unborn. I applaud the Nights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary at St. Helen's  Church to take a stand and put such a memorial outside this beautiful church.  Catholics and other Christians are against abortions and the death penalty. They are forms of murder where we believe only God has that right to take a life, not humans. Many of us value life from its conception to natural death, even euthanasian is against our teachings.  We all need the blessings and miracles in this world to stand up against abortions and the death penalty. We need to stop all these senseless abortions of innocent, helpless, voiceless babies growing inside the womb. They are souls, lives, gifts from God and have value too! I love the prayer by Bishop Sheen about abortions, I pray it every day.  Please pray to end all abortions, let us value all life, be that blessing and miracle for the lives of the unborn who are aborted before birth. Pray for their souls and all who think abortion is acceptable in our society. 

Prayer to Spiritually Adopt an Unborn Baby 
by Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,
I love you very much.
I beg you to spare the life
of the unborn baby
that I have spiritually adopted
who is in danger of abortion.

The follow are stats and data about abortion from:


Abortion statistics

  • 1 in 4 women have had an abortion
  • Only 1.5% of abortions are due to rape and incest
  • In 2015, approximately 35% of all pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion (CDC)
  • For African American women in NYC, more abortions happen than babies born
baby heart
baby bottle

Abortion facts

  • As of 2019 - New York abortion law now allows for abortions all the way to full-term!
  • There are nearly 1,000,000 abortions per year on average (and that's just ones reported!)
  • Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest abortion provider
  • A child’s heart beats at 21 days. It is audible at 8-10 weeks gestation
