Blessed to Have Such a Wonderful Family Who Think of Me!


My Aunt Illa gave this bookmark to me back in 1995. She was a very special person and loved me so much! She even drove all the way down with my parents, sister, brother, and uncle to Alabama in 1996 for my graduation with my Ph.D. Degree from the University of Alabama. She always cared about me and wanted copies of my dissertation, articles, and all my successes. She was so loving. She used to call me JoJo. I found this bookmark a few days ago and it was a nice reminder as my aunt passed away in 2012, a year after my mom, my uncle her spouse, just passed last fall. They are all in a better place with our creator. God brought so many wonderful people into my life. I had a perfect mother, wonderful father, great aunts and uncles. I only got to meet in person my mother's father, my grandpa ( we shared the same birthdate and I have his middle name) and my mother's grandmother, Bertha in person. I pray for all of them and look forward to meeting all my grandparents someday when we will all be together in Heaven in eternity with God. What a blessed life and family I have had! 


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