Miracles, Blessings, The Beach, My Spouse and Family, and God in My Life---So so Grateful!


I got to enjoy the beach today. It has been stressful all week. I am praying it all comes together in the next few weeks for us. I am grateful for the miracles today, some good news, the blessings, this beach, my spouse and family, and God in my life!  I always try to remind myself to say, Jesus I Trust in You! He is my Divine mercy in such crazy and stressful times. We need to always find refuge in God, turn to Him. I love to go to the beach each day. I find so much peace and can talk to God there. It was a little cloudy, but still nice for a swim and many of us were enjoying the water and waves. So so grateful for the miracles, now if they continue for another month, year, the rest of my life like I believe they will, it helps for me to get through anything. God always will! 
