St Teresa of Avila: A Blessing and So Many Miracles


St. Teresa of Avila is one amazing saint! I recall as a young kid our church St. Anthony's Parish in Chadwick's NY had a statue of St. Teresa, I always found it fascinating and beautiful!. One of my best friends from grade school was Theresa Bader who lived up the road from me. She was such a nice person and also went to church there and was in many of my classes over the years. I watched several movies, documentaries, and biographies of St. Teresa. She is a doctor of the Catholic Church. A real mystic and had many experiences with God, purgatory, hell, and wrote many books, at the time anonymously due to the reformation and all during the 1600's. She is knowns in Spain as a classical writer even. She prayed for many people in purgatory and even saw them go to heaven. She even saw some saintly people go automatically to heaven like good priests. She saw a lot of bad and tried hard with her convents and St. John of The Cross to change and improve the church. I watched one movie that showed her seeing some bad things priests were doing at those times. She worked to change all and make all more holy. She was very holy, saintly, a person of good will. Even her body and heart are still uncorrupted today. St Teresa dealt with a lot of health problems, but she never complained and always tried to remain obedient to the church and God. She also like Padre Pio experienced stigmata's. I would love to read her one book, The Way to Perfection some day in the near future as it talks about how to eat and live right. 

I have decided that instead of watching so much bad news, hate, division, one-sidedness, repetition, and bad TV programming, I am going to start watchin movies and documentaries to learn more about saints and good people. Hoping it rubs off on me to work toward sainthood too. I know I need many penance, but learning and being around goodness has to be better than all the negative news today. I pray each day for all the people in purgatory, praying my parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and other relatives, families, and friends all make their way to heaven someday as well. I also pray each day that we as a society end all abortions and the death penalty, it breaks my heart to see how many babies are aborted, murdered, killed each year. So many want children who cannot have them. I am prolife and proud of that fact. 

Enjoy your own journey through life and learning about all the people of good will! 

I remember the statue of St. Teresa looking something like this one. 
