Miracles Abound! We Had a Miracle Today, So So Blessed, Grateful to God, Jesus, and all the Saints!


We had a miracle today! I am so thankful and grateful for this miracle to finally sell our condo in Palm Beach and have that behind us once and for all. It was truly a miracle, so many hurdles and all, but it is finally complete. We pray the new owners enjoy the condo and community, it is a very nice condo and great for snowbirds and people who travel a lot. We had it and lived there for 2.5 years, but realized that condos are not for us and got a new house instead. Condos have too many problems, it just was never a good fit. Bad management, BOD's, egos, smoke, drunks, etc. Hard to be around. We prayed a lot to God, Jesus, St. Anthony and even now to Infant Jesus of Prague. So grateful and blessed by this miracles that it is all behind us now. God is so great! I turned it all over to Him and it is all His will be done. I often just say that now, let Your will be done, you know what I hold in the bottom of my heart and petitions and prayers and let God do what is best for us. Sometimes we just need to become like children and trust in God! Thank you dear Lord! 


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