A Day Hemmed in Prayer Seldom Unravels! God's Blessings This Week Have Been Endless! So so Blessed! Staying Always in Prayer!


I keep reminding myself, my spouse, and others, how important it is to find refuge in God always and stay in constant prayer! It is key! I saw this saying the other day, what a blessing and good reminder, to always stay hemmed in prayer, always! We are living in crazy times, so much crime, bad government, greed, corruption, selfishness, apathy, so few care anymore, it is all about greed, corruption, fraud, lies, deceit, so few are in prayer, focusing on God and Jesus, or really care to be good people or Christ-like today. Don't fall into that rumba. Stay focused on God always, stay in constant prayer and you can overcome this world of locura. I so enjoyed the beach this week, so nice. Warmer. My gladiolas are coming up after many years are never producing flowers.  The other yellow flowers now have lasted for about four or five years, I like our visitor, the gecko. Thankful God has been so good to us, has given us so much to be thankful for,  my job, my peace, my home,  my spouse, family, my God, so much! It is Christmas time, it is a time for peace, love, forgiveness, and prayer! Lots of prayer always helps. I saw this saying on this Knick knack the other day in a thrift store, I didn't buy it, but did take a photo of it, it is so true! Stay hemmed in prayer always, God will give you peace! What a blessing and miracle now at Christmas and always! 
