Another Week of Blessings from God!

Today was one of the best swim days, calmer. So nice all week, but cooler. Only about 70 during the day. The beach has been so peaceful and relaxing. I feel so blessed to live so close to so many nice beaches in my county.  I have been at peace, work is falling together with grades and all. Just a few more weeks, then off for a few weeks. My back has hurt the past few days. Need to watch it at the gym and doing stuff. I have been so enjoying the birds and sandpipers at the beach, they come right up to me. God has been so good to me in my life. I am trying to keep all positive, loving, and a good vibe. I do not like to be around negative, hateful, judging, or deranged/enraged people anymore, I stay clear of all who are negative and try not to listen to any news that is negative and a downer. We have too many debby downers today and it is best to stay positive and around uplifting God Spirited people. I do feel so blessed with another week of blessings from God! So so grateful! 

