Life is a Blessing and a Miracle from God! St. Mother Teresa Knew This So Well!


This quote above was in our church bulletin this week! It is so touching. We dismiss abortion and act like it is so acceptable in our society just so we can live our lives as we wish, not thinking we are taking the life of another human being in the process. The gift of life comes from God, it is His blessing and miracle to humanity! We like to say how we are such a civilized and humane society today, so advanced in the 21st century, but we are not as humans when we abort, kill, murder, allow this to happen to the unborn. It breaks my heart to think of the millions of unborn aborted babies killed each year, over the years, it breaks the heart of many. Mother Teresa knew the pain the long term affects of abortion have on the mother who aborts, the father, the family, and that helpless, innocent, voiceless baby killed/aborted. I pray each day to an end to abortion in our society in our so-called civilized society we live in. I pray the Bishop Fulton Sheen prayer from many years ago. Can you image if Mary decided to abort baby Jesus, instead she said to the angel, yes, indeed, she would be the handmaid to the Lord and do His will. Abortion is a sad reality that many people think is acceptable today. It is not! It kills an innocent, helpless, voiceless child, and hurts the mother to be forever, carrying with her for the rest of her life damaged, hurt, in pain, regret, and everlasting daily hurt and pain for the rest of her life. It seeps into all aspects of her future, like the wounds Jesus carried with him after his crucifixion. May we all pray for life for the unborn, for an end to abortion, for an end to all the pain and hurt of future mother's who think abortion is the only way out, God gave us Jesus Christ to draw us closer to Him and to discern what is right in our society.  For all of us to live a more civilized society valuing all life from natural conception to natural death. Life is a miracle and blessing we need to cherish always! It is God given! Pray for all the souls of the aborted.  Baby Jesus is coming soon! 
