Merry Christmas! May the Blessing and Miracle of Christmas Live in Your Heart and Life Forever!


My Christmas wish to you is that you may recognize the magic of the birth of Jesus, God, coming in human form as the son of Mary at Christmastime to be the savior of the world for all of mankind bringing all of us: love, peace, hope, faith, forgiveness, and mercy, so that we can be more Christ-like ourselves and do the service we need to do on this Earth before going home with our Father in Heaven for eternity with Him. May you celebrate a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year filled with God’s love and guidance all yearlong! May the first Noel live in us all year long, helping us as we journey through life knowing God is our savior and our everything always! We never have to be alone. God is with us always, Emmanuel!  Keep the faith during these senseless times. Blessings for a prosperous new year filled with more faith, hope, and God’s love! 
