Miracles and Blessings Abound in Our World When We Follow the 10 Commendments!

God gave us a recipe to live by, He gave us through Moses, the Ten Commandments to follow as a recipe for living well here on Earth! Unfortunately, they are disregarded constantly, overlooked, ignored, not even considered at all often times, we do so much bad in this world God gave us without even thinking about following His rules and laws for us. How do we now expect people to follow all the manmade rules and laws? No one does. We see lawlessness daily. The signs say at the beach, no dogs, no smoking, no fishing, no alcohol, do people follow this? No! Right on red, no one ever comes to a complete stop anymore. People cheat, steal, lie, and hurt others, even neighbors, friends, and family without any remorse or care. So sad. Our world would be a better place if all people just follow these ten simple commandments and loved themselves enough and their neighbors so that we could really have more peace and possibly Heaven here on Earth. The 10 Commandments are a real blessing and miracle from God, all we need to do is follow them, respect them, respect all our fellow human beings. Is it that hard to do? Where are we headed as a society? When we kill unborn babies, steal from stores, burn down shops, break into a place that is not yours, the things we are doing today hurt all of us. We really need to turn to God, say the Our Father. Say some Hail Mary's, maybe even the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. We need to pray and follow God's rules for us if we want the world to be a better place for all of us! 


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