A Blessing: God is True and Will Never Disappoint, Humans Lie and Will Always Disappoint!


"...Though everyone else in the world is a liar. God is not...God's 
word will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them."
-Romans 3:4

As humans we need to always realize that God is truth! The Bible is truth! God's word always proves right! He will never disappoint, like humans almost always do. Humans lie, cheat, steal, hurt others, are selfish, mediocre, and can be very greedy and power hungry even to the point of controlling others.  We see this a lot today in our society by the elected, governments, and so called leaders in our world and work place. We all need to stay in God's word, not man's. Ask God for support to have more faith and hope in Him! Pray pray and pray some more. Stay constantly in prayer and always find refuge in God like so many of our famous saints did like Father Pio, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta.  Stay in pray, trust only God's word and find refuge only in Him. Human beings will always disappoint and hurt others, not all, but most. Choose life in God. Although we all live in particular countries, do not put people or governments on a pedestal, put only God on a pedestal. Trust in Jesus Christ. Be disciples for God and Jesus, not slaves to the devil, hurting and disappointing other humans.  We are truly blessed and miracles are part of our lives when we focus and trust only in our God! Be like Abraham when he listened to God and brought his son Issacs to the alter as God asked, he was willing to sacrifice his son, God never harmed his son as he knew Abraham trust completely in the Lord. We all need to muster up and retain and maintain this faith, trust, and hope in God always, He has so many blessings and miracles in store for us when we put our trust in Him!  
