Beach Blessed Today!


I was beach blessed today! Although cooler today, only about 65 degrees for the high, I did enjoy the beach in the sun and touch the water. It was lovely, even sitting and enjoying all the birds running up to me. The colors of the water were beautiful. It really looked so pretty today, just cooler, but it is winter. I am grateful that we are healthy and well and have had our health restored. We feel better today and my spouse even went back to work. So I made it to the beach!  I love seeing my sandpiper friends and one just kept coming right up to me today, getting so close. I feel so lucky to live close to the beach and be able to go daily and to have a life, job, and all to make it at the beach each day to say my prayers and be at peace. It brings me so much peace. Praying that 2022 is as peaceful as 2021 was. It has been so lovely lately. My work, students, research, writing, all is wonderful! I love my job and my students! My writing and research! I was beach blessed today and so grateful to God! The beach can be a miracle all in itself! 


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