Burr Blessings! Very Cool this Week! The Sun was Nice Yesterday! Today More Clouds! It is Cold Here! But We are Blessed!


Burr! It is cold this week! The beach was nice yesterday, the sun helped! It only got up to like 63! Today so far 62, but not much sun, so it is not very nice outside! The beach looked lovely yesterday! Even the birds were cold and were sitting and not moving much, you could tell they were cold. The water temperature was about 67. It has been cold and will be all week. This winter has been a cold winter for us. We are still trying to count our blessings when we get sunny days, the sun helps even if the air is cool. We still have God on our side and we are counting our blessings for all He brings to us. Soon it will be spring and summer and then we will be complaining about the heat! Wish there was a way to store this cold for summer, visa versa.  God is great in our lives! We are blessed to live in Florida and so close to the beach and lots of good weather! 
