Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: A Hero and A Blessing for Our World!

Happy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! MLK was a real hero and blessing in our country and world. He is one of the most admired leaders and people of our time. He was a Christian man, a man of non-violence. He believed that in his activisms for equal rights it had to be done without violence at all. I love this way about him! Gandhi was also of this mindset! Non-violence. I love this! We all could learn a lot from them and their approach and philosophy. I so agree with MLK too on how we should never judge someone on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character! It am sure he would feel the same about the judging that is going on today with the vaccinated and the unvaxxed, today there is so much judgement, hate, and discrimination against the unvaxxed who have their own legitimate concerns and health issues with not wanting to get the jab. What would MLK say? What about WWJD? I put MLK right up there with Gandhi, Jesus, Lincoln, and Nelson Mandala. They stood up for a critical cause, fight for it and tried to do it in a non-violent way, show why it was wrong. They are all heroes! Jesus is my God though!  We can learn a lot from the life of MLK. Thank you! God bless you! Rest in Peace and know that you are a real hero and blessing to so many today and in our world! We salute you DR MLK JR! 


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