God is Our Guide and Instructor: We Are Carried By the Creator! What a Blessing! Alleluia!


"I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best 
pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch your progress."
-Psalms 32:8

I love this Bible verse! The Bible has the best instructions and advice for our lives and how we should live! All from God through His disciples. God is wonderful! He is the one who carries us in life and knows what is best for us. We are not on our own we are carried by God to get through so much here on Earth. We need to remember this!  He always protects us! He cares for us our entire life. We need to remember always that the Creator of the Universe, God, is carrying you! Let go and let God carry you! Cast your burdens on the Lord and he will carry you! All you need to do is tell God you need Him and you trust Him! You need to keep a good attitude! Also, help others in their times of need. God wants us to be servants of His for His people. God has been carrying me my whole life! God sustains us! Many times when you look back on your life and wonder how you ever got through those hard times, remember, you did not do it alone. God was carrying you, He was with you. He is looking out for you. He knows what is best for you. He will instruct you and guide you along the best pathway of your life. He is advising us and watching our progress. When you were told you will never succeed or accomplish very much, or you are of little talent or intelligence, that may be what man says, but God has other plans for you. He has proven to carry me through so much and taken me to such heights of success personally, professionally, and spiritually! I feel so blessed to know that God is my guide and teacher. He is carrying me! Blessing me! Advising and watching my progress. Thank you God for carrying me and being my God and Savior! You are my blessing God! 
