Life is a Miracle! Life is a Blessing! Life Comes from God! We Need to Protect ALL Life from Conception to Natural Death!


We need to respect ALL life! From conception to natural death! I love that my church, St. Helen's in Vero Beach respects life and prays to end abortion! WE need to pray Roe away! WE need to stand for life! Life is a miracle from God! Life is a blessing we are all given! Yet, some think that aborting a baby as a easy or convenient way to dispose of a baby or unwanted life is acceptable.  Catholics do not believe in abortion. True Catholics! Abortion is murder! Killing an unborn, voiceless, helpless, innocent baby before they can be born is murder plain and simple. We need to end this brutal attack on our unborn. We love to say how we live in such a civilized world, so advanced and educated, caring about our world and keeping it green and clean, but we think it is just fine to murder and kill unborn baby accidents. Since Roe it is estimated that there have been over 62 million babies aborted, murdered, killed! How sad for our society here in the USA. And then we say we a are first rate world and society, civilized, humane? That is humane? Killing all these innocent voiceless, helpless babies? We need to respect all life! We need to speak up against this brutal attach on life itself, life from God! All life comes from God! Please pray to end abortion in our world! All life is a miracle from God!  


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