Life Is a Miracle!

 "The miracle is not to fly in the air. or to walk on the water, but to walk on the Earth."

                                                                                    -A Chinese Proverb

If you think about it, just being born is a miracle from God! To grow, to walk, to ride a bike, to talk, to get along with others, to live a life with dignity and honor, and grace from God, all of this is a miracle of human existence. We should never take the miracle of life for granted or trivialize it in anyway. Life is so complex, awe provoking in itself. Life is a miracle! God's miracle for all of us humans. What a beautiful thing! You may think you have a simple, boring, or ordinary life, but all life is extraordinary! Each one of us as a human being are unique and extraordinary! Walking here on Earth is not easy! It is not easy to live on our own or with others. Nothing is easy about this Earth School we all must experience. We have to make the best of it oftentimes.  Do our best. B people of honor, dignity, and grade. Put God first and only on a pedestal, no human. Keep the faith, trust in our Lord, and love one another the best we can. Recognize that life itself is a miracle from God, give thanks to Him, see the miracle in every single day, our lives, our world. We need to try not to be mediocre and live a life of mediocrity, always be the best, do your best, have high standards, and love your God and know we are here because of His miracles in our live!  See everything as a miracle! 
