Blessed with a Spirit of Power, Love, and of a Sound Mind! We Have No Spirit of Fear! Alleluia!

Yes, though a mighty army marches against me, my heart shall know no fear! I am confident that God will save me.
-Psalm 27:3

...May God bless you richly and grant increasing freedom from all anxiety and fear.
-1 Peter 1:2

God has not given us a spirit of fear, only of sound mind, power, and love! He has blessed us richly and grants us with increasing freedom from all fear and anxiety! What great news! Words from God in the Bible! There are so many reminders in the Bible from God and Jesus about not living in fear! Trust in the Lord. God will provide and protect you! He is on the side of the right, the good people, the people of good will. We need to trust in God!  Pray to Him and give thanks too!  He is here to listen always!  Today we are living in a world of war and bad so called leaders and elected who think they are God, but most have become slaves to the devil and hurt more than they help people today, all they and their media cronies do is spread fear, lies, anxiety, hate, division, and do little to help, like in Ukraine now. We need to pray for them, all of Ukraine and its people and all these bad so called leaders that do little to help and hurt more, becoming rich and compromised instead of doing what is right in God's eyes.  Don't trust in man, Trust in God only! Listen to Him, read about Him in the Bible, go to a good Bible-based church, listen to and read the word of our Lord, follow Him and trust only Him today in a world where men are compromised with evil and greed, corruption, fraud, and lies. God did not give us a heart and spirit to be fearful, He wants us to put our complete trust in Him! His increasing freedom from all anxiety and fear can be part of our lives when we trust in Him alone What a blessing! 


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