Butterfly Blessed! Anointed by God Too!


I love seeing butterflies around! I have a lot of flowering shrubs and plants that attract them, so see them most days. yesterday I saw this huge Monarch Butterfly and he was really enjoying the Butterfly Bush! They were almost the same colors! It is so nice to see all of God's creatures about and out where we live here in the country! VLE is a nice place to live and so peaceful and God filled! It is quiet, lots of lovely trees and plants, ponds and lakes, lots of woods, just lovely. We are blessed as humans to be graced with God's blessings like flowers and creatures like butterflies in our lives, it makes life worth living in such crazy times of a world run by man who destroys more so than builds, they could all learn a lot from having more of God in their hearts! We are all God's children, all from His royalty, we are more than a SSN or consumer, we are people with souls and from God too, most elected and so called leaders today have forgotten this, we are God's children, blessed by Him and anointed by Him, blessed by Him and protected by Him. His beauty is a miracle and never ending! 

