God Gave Us Souls, He Breathed On Us, We Are Blessed to be His People!


We need to all remember that in these crazy times in this world. With war, bad leadership from elected, governments, and administration at all levels, we do not answer to any of them. We answer only to God! He gave us a soul, He breathed on us and gave us life. He knew us before we were even born on this Earth. We are a blessed people of our Lord and Savior. Do not let the humans here mislead you or make you think they are God, they are not. Humans will always disappoint! Always! God never will! We are God's people! We are not just consumers and a social security number who pay taxes to a government, we are God's creations here who have souls. The so called leaders and elected, forget all of this. They think they are God and control us. They don't! God does! Only God! Do not fear, do not be afraid. Know that you are blessed and God has you in the palm of His hand. He will look out for you, humans never really do. Look what people did to the poor people in Ukraine, no one is coming to their defense. God is though. We are all praying for them and know they are God's people, they have souls, and they will rise above this war, hate, and suppression inflicted against them.  While our so called leaders and elected act like they care, they don't this is a perfect example, they are not going to the defense of the Ukraine peoples, people with souls!  How sad! They all sold their souls to the devil and have become slaves to the devil. Realize this people. Put your trust in God, only God. Pray for all who are hurt by other humans. Humans always hurt. God never does. Who do you want to trust? God or humans?  Thankfully here, it is quiet and peaceful, we did laundry, doing cleaning, yard work, and getting all how we like it. We will have lunch, a nap, and then church and that is it. We love our church and faith, God is everything for us in our lives. I love being able to hang my clothes to dry outside in the sun, they smell so good here, it all comes from God. Feeling very blessed today, God gave us a soul, He breathed on us, we are more than a consumer or social security number, we have a soul, the leaders and elected, seem to forget this.   We are from God, not from them, the people running this Earth are not God, they never were, they like to make us believe that, but we need to rise up and pray to our God and remember He is our supplier and strength, our savior and everything. Praying for all who have souls and people of Good will and all suffering i Ukraine, praying God is with each one of them and they and their property will be safe. 
