Hallie! A Movie and A Blessing That we Really Liked, Some Really Nice Christian Values, The Little Girl Hallie is So Cute!


Hallie on GodTube 

We really loved watching this movie the other night! Hallie! What a beautiful movie. The little girl, Hallie, in the movie is so cute, so smart, so kind, and loving! She just wants to please God, kind of like St. Mary Mazarello did. We highly recommend it, it was in Spanish on YouTube, but I am sure you can find it anywhere in English too. Enjoy this one! It is really beautiful, a real blessing! Watch less news and negative TV and media, movies like this or about saints are nice to watch today with so much negativity and bad news and government information coming out today, so sad to hear and watch all that is going on today in our world. This will bring happiness and tears for you to enjoy! A real blessing! 
