Judge and Hate Less, Love and Inspire More! Be God's Blessing Here on Earth for All!


I say, Judge and Hate Less, Love and Inspire More! Be God's Blessing Here on Earth for All! 

Unfortunately, today we see too much hate! We see too many judging others, even if they do not know them, just by looking at them. They judge and draw conclusions. That is not nice or Christ-like. We as humans need to learn to love more, to inspire more, rid our selves of all the hate and judgement toward others. God does not want us to hate others or judge them. Leave the judging up to God. We as humans need to inspire more and love all like ourselves. God talks about this in the Bible a lot. No one, no human has the right to judge or hate another, only God has that right. God never hates, He is all about love of all his children. We as humans need to learn this too, to love all of God's children, our brothers and sisters. If we learn to love more and inspire more, maybe we can have more peace in this world and less war and strife. What a blessing that would be. We can all be God's blessing here on Earth for all when we love and inspire more as we live our lives and journey on this Earth school. Be that blessing!
