Beach Blessings, Green Flag Days, Knowing God is Here Looking Out for Us in a Selfish World!


This week sure has been nice at the beach! I love the beaches here in Florida, especially on the east coast. The water is cleaner and clearer! The sand is not as fine, so it is not as murky as the west coast.  We are blessed with God making all these beaches, the sandpipers, and all here to enjoy! Nature at its best where we live and can go daily! The only thing that ruins it for us is people who do not follow our rules and laws, who are selfish and bring dogs, fish, drink, smoke. All the signs say they are not allowed, but today no one wants to abide by our laws and they are selfish and do what they want. They never think of the collective whole, just themselves. There are a lot of selfish bullies out there that show little education, consideration, nor respect for all of us as a whole and our laws. It is sad they have allowed themselves to be slaves of satan and just do what they want without thinking of others. I still feel blessed knowing God is looking out for me, giving me peace, and being my God to worship and give thanks to, He is so good to us, we need to respect all of that and show gratitude and abide by His laws and the laws of our collective whole. Thank you God for all the lessons in life, showing me the good and the bad, knowing what is right and knowing God loves me, He protects me, and has given me so much to be grateful for here! 
