Faith is a Blessing that Can Keep Us Going! Jesus is Truth, but there is Not a Lot from Humans it Seems


"Not truth, but faith it is that keeps the world alive."

-Edna St. Vincent Millay

I like this quote, faith is so critical, so important to get us through this Earth School! Faith really is a blessing from God!  We need to have faith in God, something greater than anything else here on Earth or humans. If you are a Christian, you know that Jesus is the truth! God is truth. Truth is power, but today we rarely can get the truth from humans running the show. We hear a lot of lies and misinformation today from our news and government. It is hard to believe almost anything the media or government says today, they cover all up or slant things a way to deceive the human race. It happens in most countries around the world. Although it is discouraging and demoralizing, we need to maintain our faith in God nonetheless and know He is all that matters in these times when truth is so often hard to come by. Humans deceive and disappoint, they always have, they always will, God never will. Trust is God, have faith in Him, not in humans as they will always disappoint. We need to maintain our faith in God and our religion in these difficult times, that is what will keep us going and alive. Faith is a blessing given by God our key to Heaven with Him! What a blessing! 
