Being Excellent for Our King and Savior Like Daniel and So Blessed Because of It!
"...Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and satraps, because an excellent spirit
was in him; and the king gave thought to giving him rule over his entire kingdom."
-Daniel 6:3
We need to be excellent people like Daniel! We need to be people of good will! People who work hard, are top notch, number one, and not ride on the shoulders of other giants, but be a giant themselves! Today most of the so called leaders, elected, and billionaires and rich and powerful have moved up to these positions by being nefarious in one way or another. They suck up, kiss up, or tag along to ride on shoulders of others, or use others so to move up with little effort or intellect themselves, greed, money, power, fraud, selfishness all play a role in trying to move up in positions of power over others, but like today, all we see is complete mediocrity from all of them in our society. We can see this all around us in most countries, and right here at home. A person may have a title of leadership or administration, but it doesn't make them a true leader. They can kiss up or convince someone that they are qualified, but actions speak louder than all the words they can say or put on a resume or biography list of their works. Often times, their are obvious tellings of the truth in what is put in writing. God wants us to be authentic, to work hard, to do our best, to do it all with Christ in us, having the Holy Spirit come upon us and do all and make a real difference authentically, not by being fake, kissing up, sucking up, taking on or doing something that you really are not qualified or respected for doing. Daniel was distinguished! Do you want to do all and live a distinguished life of righteousness? Most of the so called leaders and suck ups today will try to bring you down or make you less than you really are, due to their own insecurities; also due to their own greed, selfishness, and hunger for power. It is all about spirit, hard work, good attitude, and being in Christ always, doing all for Him! Other people are not responsible for my happiness or success! If they cheat, steal, suck up, kiss up or move up unfairly, then we will always see this mediocrity we see today in our world. So many with no morals, principles, or scruples. The real leaders today are the ones who live for Christ and never stoop to their level of mediocrity and riding on shoulders of others, they are the ones who are the real leaders and trailblazers. Joel Osteen had a nice prayer today to remind us of all of this and to work toward being excellent and the best you can be always in Christ! Hope you like it! What a blessing God is in my life!
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for the blessings that always follow when I separate myself from anyone who drags me down. Show me if there is anything that is holding me back from having an excellent spirit. I look forward to the people You will bring into my life to inspire me to be my best. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
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