Blessed by God's Favor!


He is risen! We are a Easter people! Blessed by God's favor as He has brought us peace through his blood shed for our transgressions and iniquities. I loved the Bible verse and prayer today from Joel Osteen. It is such a nice reminder of His goodness. We are wonderfully made by God Himself, blessed by His continue favor in our lives, we are children of a King, we are from royalty and crowned with His favor always! Thank you Jesus for dying for our sins, for your love, mercy, and forgiveness. I want to know You, love You, serve You and spend eternity with you in Heaven. Help me to make it my goal to live a life of honor for You, so that I can spend the rest of my life with you in Heaven! I feel so blessed by God's favor!  Enjoy the prayer and message! Savor God's love and blessings! 

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I can wear the crown of Your favor. Thank You that by Jesus’ stripes I am healed from all guilt and condemnation. I believe that You have provided me the cure for all that sickens me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
