Blessed by Patriots like Red Skelton and Our Forefathers of the USA Who Loved and Respected the USA!


The Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton on GodTube

I heard this on the news today and saw this clip from Red Skelton this morning! My mother always liked him growing up. We watched him on some shows and roasts over the years. I didn't realize until today what a great USA patriot he was with this explanation of the importance of the US Pledge of Allegiance. Phenomenal! It would be nice to see more people today, citizens and people who lived in this country feel this way. When I was a kid in school, we had to say the pledge each day in school in the morning announcements. I even had flag duty sometimes to bring the flag outside and put it up the pole.  Unfortunately, today we have lost it all. We have so many so called leaders, elected, and billionaires, and traders who have sold their souls to the devil and become slaves of satan and do not respect our country, flag, or what it all stands for. They care more about money and gaining person wealth and power/control, than the collective whole of our country. So sad! We seem to have a lot of people now in the USA that hate this country or hate Americans or American born individuals. So sad! Today, so many do not want us to take pride in our country or flag, or what it all stands for. It is all sad. This clip from Red Skelton really hit home today! We need to revisit and honor our country and upbringing, not bring us all down. Today, so many want to push for globalism and one world order and a great reset. They want to make us all part of one world, with little identity in the USA itself. Some even make you feel guilty that you were born here, or had a nice upbringing as a child here. We have America First people against  one world global order people, the green push a lot of this it seems. God bless the USA, it is blessed, it has been blessed for many years, by the Christian churches. So many have gone away from God. Have no faith! No religion! No God in them! It is sad, that those same people want to remove it from all the rest of us and our country! God is here! We are blessed by God here in the USA and making a pledge of our allegiance to our country is not a sin or something bad or monotonous. It really means something! Blessed! 

