Blessed Knowing that God Will Never Disappoint Me Like Human Beings Do!


We as humans need to trust God more than man. Humans will always disappoint us, they always do. They will hurt us, bring us down, let us down, and not live up to our expectations at all. It is always the case. We today are disappointed with our government, our so called leaders, our elected, the rich and powerful running all. We get disappointed with our law enforcement and police, the local government,  the mediocrity in stores and restaurants today. We see that the pope, a priest, or clergy do not live up to our expectations, it hurts us. For example my spouse and I go to a church where we see one of the priest there every single week, we have gone to confession with him, seen him so many times before and after mass, and now we see him in our gym, but he ignores us or avoids us, we say, a priest doing this, what a disappointment. Maybe he is insecure or has a secret, something is going on that makes him not want to talk to us, he avoids us. It is a disappointment, but it is not the end of the world. Maybe we now know how Jesus felt when Peter denied Him too? We learn a lot of lessons in our lives and how humans are. You wouldn't think a priest, someone who represents and serves God would do this to his parishioners, but it happens, we all experience disappointment in life.  it hurts, it is bothersome, but we need to remember that humans are human, even a priest, a doctor, an lawyer, a politician, they are all humans and will disappoint you. Even our families and siblings can disappoint us or not want to be bothered by us,  you realize that all you really have is God to count on in life.  We live with high expectations, some higher than others so when we see such disappointment it can be hurtful, or make you sad.  All we can do is turn to God. Know God will never disappoint, He is not insecure and He loves us so much. His love, mercy, and forgiveness for each one of us is never ending and always with us never to disappoint! What a blessing from God!  Trust only in God! 
