Blessed Knowing that Our Hate, Sin, and Judgement Only Prevents Us from Getting Into Heaven: Love!


Today there are a lot of people who judge! They look at someone and judge or hate them, thinking they are overweight, gay, old, all tattooed, homeless,  a druggie, etc. So many people today hate and judge way too much in our world. We forget that Jesus wants us to love all our brothers and sisters, our neighbors like ourselves. People let their hate for others, their sin, their judgement hinder and prevent them from getting into the Kingdom of Heaven and spending eternity with Jesus Christ! Why don't we all think of this more and stop all the judging and hate?  We see a lot of judging and hate in the judgement free zone ironically, gossiping too, hate as well, this is not healthy, as humans we need to stop it. To judge less and love more. We need to remember if our goal is to get into Heaven then we need to love, not hate and judge, sin no more! Peoples hate only prevents them from getting into Heaven, we all need to realize this and be careful. We need to stop casting stones and instead extend grace and forgiveness.  We are a blessing to God and our brothers and sisters when we only love! 


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