Giving it All Over to God to Enjoy His Beauty and Trying to Stay in Peace Always!


It is hot now! Summer is here it seems! Hot and dry! Hope we get some rain soon! It has been pretty at the beach. I try my hardest to make it to the beach each day I can to be at peace and enjoy God's beauty here on Earth! The ocean is my time for peace and prayer. I love the colors, the ocean water, and all the little sandpipers running around! God really gave us a beautiful world to live in, I am thankful for that and try to count my blessings always. While we all have our problems and issues, and some people are bad, mostly elected and so called leaders, I try to put them and their mediocrity aside and focus on God and all His goodness, that is the best thing we can do today in a world of chaos and greed. God is my refuge and strength. He is my peace and my rock! I feel blessed to know God, to love Him, and to serve Him and make the best of this Earth School we are on and its curriculum and do my best to pass it the best I can. God put each of us on this Earth School to do a job, our time here is minute, but the significance of our efforts is often immeasurable in making a difference in this world, which I pride myself on doing. Feeling blessed and at peace thanks to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! 


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