God Wants Us to Be Joyful People Always! Blessed When We can Maintain Joy!


Joy By For King & Country on GodTube

Joy By Rend Collective on GodTube

Joy By Johnny Diaz on GodTube

I love all these songs about joy! We need to always be an Easter people, always joyful. While it is not easy and sometimes life and hardship etc. bring us all down, we need to always try to bounce back and find our joy again. Sometimes counting our blessings always helps a lot! Be joyful. Look at all the good. Be around positive people, focus on God, find refuge in Him and the life He wants for us which is supposed to be joyful. Pray, be prayerful and know God wants the best for you and to be happy, joyful, positive, and uplifted in His love for you! Do you have joy in your heart? Do you have God? Our lives need God and then joy is always a part of that. Enjoy the songs about joy, the first one especially by for King & Country is very dancy and fun! Enjoy! A joyful life is a life where God is present and so is prayer. Be blessed and joyful and so many miracles are yours from our King and Savior! 
