Life is a Miracle! Blessed When we Chose Life! Pray to End All Abortions!


I love this organization, 40 Days for Life! Go to:
I donated to them the other day on my father's birthday. I like to donate on my parent's birthdays for their causes. My father and mother always prayed to end abortion. They are Catholic and valued all life and never approved of murdering a baby in the womb. 40 Days for Life is a great organization, they help to stop abortions, they pray a lot to at abortion clinics, they have stopped many people from aborting their babies, to date:


Lives saved since 2007


Abortion centers closed


Abortion workers quit

It is a hard subject to talk about, but it is worth it. We need to value all life, even of that of the unborn, an innocent, helpless, voiceless baby inside of someone, they deserve a right to live and have a say in their life too! As a so called humane society, we need to value all life and stop abortions. It is a cruel reality and tragedy in our so called civilized society, not so civilized though, the stats show that more than 63.5 million babies have been aborted since Roe vs. Wade, what a since! The other sin is that this also hurts the women, she has to carry this loss with her the rest of her life, it is a lot of pain and baggage for anyone to live with. Today many younger people are starting to realize how evil and destructive abortion is to the fabric of our society.  More and more younger people are choosing life! Abortion hurts us all! All of life is a gift from God! Life is a miracle! How can we murder so many innocent helpless voiceless babies? Life is a blessing we need to value and respect from natural conception to natural death. I applaud all leaders today who take a stand to respect all of life, even the unborn baby in the womb. I pray every day for an end to abortion. That all people can see how precious life really is. While it is a hard subject to talk about, we need to talk and we need to respect and support all life if we are going to profess that we live in a civilized humane world. I always think it is ironic that so many people, green friendly and environment pushing people all talk a lot about taking care of our planet and global warming, and even saving rescue dogs, yet pass over and act like it is okay to abort an innocent unborn life. Seems very hypocritical too me. I love the story of Abby Johnson who was an Abortion Clinic Administrator who saw the evil of abortion while working at Planned Parenthood and left the organization to now be one of the biggest pro life advocates. I want to personally applaud her, the movie about her, Unplanned, is amazing and so inspirational.  One of these years I would love to go to Washington, D.C. for the annual march for life on the mall there.   I try to donate to a few organizations that defend life and work and pray to end abortions, PreBorn is another good organization who provides free ultrasounds for mothers so they can see their babies and hopefully prevent the abortion. It will be nice some day in our near future when more states and countries start valuing all of life and end all abortions. Life is a blessing and miracle that we need to value and respect!  Please pray to end abortion! 
