So Blessed by What a Beautiful Name It Is, In The Name of Jesus!


What A Beautiful Name By Hillsong Worship on GodTube

I love this song! What a beautiful name it is, the name of Jesus! "In the name of Jesus" has so much power! It invokes God Himself to come and protect you! There have been many stories about this that all we have to say is, "In the name of Jesus" and we are protected by God! We are blessed that we have such a loving Father that will come to us any time to help us, aid us, protect us, heal, and cure us! He is always there! What a beautiful name, Jesus! He is my Christ and King! We are never alone! WE never have to go through anything alone! We have Jesus on our side! While our sin may be great, His love is greater! What a powerful name of Jesus! So so blessed by His power! Thank you Jesus! 
